IGS has designed and constructed each of its CPT Testing Rigs to meet the rigours of the highly variable site conditions encountered across Australia. These machines have been designed based on the near 200 years of combined experience we have at IGS. With our range of CPT testing rigs we can go anywhere….. (Almost)!
We have a range of standard truck-based rigs that are up to 20t push capacity.
Not all sites have good drive on access, so our range of all-terrain and tailings rigs have been designed to access most low trafficability areas, tailings dams and swampy sites:
For works overwater we have our custom-built mini jack up barge, Limpet and Punt Rig:
For special access needs we have a range of pusher frames that can be bolted on to platforms/ barges/ sleds or onto ground beams with ballast added:
* Note: actual push capacity depends on ballast reaction load and configuration # Note: man portable CPT rig
All of these rigs, are of course, available Australia wide and can be easily transported between project sites.
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