
Pressuremeter Testing


Pressuremeter Testing

IGS provides Pressuremeter Testing to assess in situ stiffness and strength parameters in both soil and rock materials.  They consist of a cylindrical probe, with a section of flexible membrane, that is inflated to press against and deform the wall of a preformed cavity. 

Volume and pressure changes are recorded with time.

Our pressuremeters are supplied by  Roctest  and are mono-cell hydraulic probes, where ground deformation is determined by measuring the volume of fluid injected into the probe from the surface.

IGS has three pressuremeter types available:


The PENCEL, also known as the pavement pressuremeter is a 35mm diameter mono-cellular probe which consists of a cylindrical body fitted with an inflatable sheath.

The PENCEL has a max. applied wall pressure of 2,500 kPa and can be used in most soil types.

The PENCEL is a highly portable system that is simple to operate and easy to transport. 

The probe can be placed in advance of a borehole in a pre-made 35mm diameter cavity, or can also be inserted by direct pushing in advance of a borehole or in a CPT Test hole. 

Both Strain controlled and Stress (Creep) controlled testing can be undertaken.

Load and Unload cycles are possible.

The PENCEL can be used in conjunction with any of IGS's in situ testing rigs.

Maximum depth currently ~60m.

Advantages of Pressuremeters


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