
Testing and Sampling Services

IGS specialises in, in situ testing and sampling. We don't do anything else. We have spent over 20 years field testing equipment and refining methodologies to help provide high quality data to our clients which has led us to become one of the best in the world at what we do.  WE CAN TEST ANYTHING.....(almost).  We have a wide range of in situ testing services that vary from broad scale profiling tools, such as non-piezo CPT cones; to the latest developed specialist 3MPa cones to measure extremely low skin friction; to the latest high end, fully automated Medusa DMT that measures in situ modulus and several other parameters. 

We also have a wide range of in situ sampling techniques to compliment our geotechnical soil testing services, many of which have been developed in house, from our flagship best quality fixed piston sampler - PPI, to disturbed bulk sediment samplers.  WE CAN SAMPLE ANYTHING.....(Almost).
The majority of our testing and sampling services are detailed here, however if you need something that is not mentioned please contact us. 
Click on the links below for additional information on each of our services.  


We offer a range of Test Categories, from routine CPT & CPTu to special-type and quasi-research.   We claim the most sensitive, accurate and defensible testing available.

DMT and Medusa DMT

Our most popular test type after CPTu.  Quantitative modulus & strength profiling. The Medusa is cutting edge technology.

Seismic S-Wave & P-Wave Profiling

Shear wave velocity by the SCPTu method, and both shear wave and compression wave by high-tech Marchetti modules.

Direct-Push Vane Shear

Direct-push Vane Shear Testing is “everyday stuff” for IGS. We typically use vane sizes ranging from 50x100mm to 100x200mm.


Standpipes & Piezometers

IGS has well-developed techniques and systems for installing both Casegrande-type open-standpipes and vibrating wire piezometers (VWPs). Various sealing systems are used, depending on the conditions. This is "everyday business for IGS.

Testing/Sampling Menu Sheets 

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